What we do

“In Nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it, and over it.”
J.W. Goethe

Our company produces natural fermented wines, with only indigenous yeasts, unrefined, coming from vineyards cultivated with the biodynamic method, as well as vegetables and cereals; and in order to achieve a full-cycle farm, we also breed Mora Romagnola pigs, and we have two sheep, wich goes around.


We have decided to join winemakers with the same philosophy we have, to share with them organization and storage, that are often very costly. From this collaboration was born Co.Vi.Bio (Consortium of Biodynamic Vineyards). Co.Vi.Bio’s partners have a shared catalog, warehouse and management, because we believe that synergy can be positive and stimulating for everyone.


Sui Lieviti


Base di Grechetto Gentile (Pignoletto) fermentata coi suoi lieviti indigeni in cemento o acciaio, senza chiarifiche o filtrazioni. Il vino viene imbottigliato con i suoi lieviti e residuo zuccherino. In primavera la fermentazione riprende producendo l'effervescenza (metodo ancestrale).

Non viene fatta sboccattura, quindi il vino si presenta leggermente torbido.

Annata 2022

Frutto di un’annata agronomicamente felice ma con fermentazioni difficoltose, il nostro Sui Lieviti si presenta in maniera del tutto nuova:

P. (60%), la riserva perpetua della nostra Posca Bianca (35%).

Imbottigliato durante la vendemmia successiva, con l’aggiunta di una piccola parte di mosto (5%) per la rifermentazione spontanea.

Non viene fatta sboccatura, dunque il vino si presenta naturalmente torbido Sui Lieviti che ne salvaguardano la longevità.

Grechetto Gentile (native grape historically known in Bologna hills as Pignoletto), spontaneously fermented with its indigenous yeasts in concrete, without any clarification and filtration. 

The wine is bottled with some residual sugar, so, with the arrival of the Spring, the fermentation takes place again, according to the Ancestral method. 

Vintage 2022

The result of an agronomically good vintage but with difficult fermentations, our Sui Lieviti is in a completely new way:

P. (60%), the perpetual reserve of our Posca Bianca (35%).

It has been bottled during the following harvest, with the addition of a small part of must (5%) for the spontaneous refermentation.

There is no disgorgement, so the wine is naturally cloudy. The yeasts safeguard its longevity.


bottiglia vetro trasparente
glass - trasparent
GL70 vetro
tappo corona
crown cap
C/FE91 acciaio
C/PVC 90 plastica