Our company produces natural fermented wines, with only indigenous yeasts, unrefined, coming from vineyards cultivated with the biodynamic method, as well as vegetables and cereals; and in order to achieve a full-cycle farm, we also breed Mora Romagnola pigs, and we have two sheep, wich goes around.
We have decided to join winemakers with the same philosophy we have, to share with them organization and storage, that are often very costly. From this collaboration was born Co.Vi.Bio (Consortium of Biodynamic Vineyards). Co.Vi.Bio’s partners have a shared catalog, warehouse and management, because we believe that synergy can be positive and stimulating for everyone.
P. 100%
Vigneto/i: Rodano (1,6 ha in Oliveto, 200 m slm)
Tipo di impianto: Guyot con 3.330 piante/ha
Età media delle viti: 25 anni
Resa per ettaro: 70 q.li/ha
Vendemmia: fine agosto. Esclusivamente a mano in piccole cassette
Vinificazione: 1 o 2 giorni di macerazione, fermentazione spontanea senza uso di lieviti selezionati in vasche di cemento
Filtrazioni, stabilizzazioni forzate o chiarifiche: nessuna
Affinamento: 7 mesi sulle proprie fecce nelle medesime vasche e almeno 2 mesi in bottiglia
Produzione: 724 bottiglie e 30 magnum
bottiglia vetro - colore foglia morta glass bottle - brown |
GL72 | vetro glass |
tappo sughero cork |
FOR51 | raccolta dedicata |
capsula capsule |
C/ALU 90 | alluminio cans |